Forward Progress in the Christian Life
As time rolls on it seems that many who started their journey with Christ get stuck in the mud.
Stagnation happens.
The good news is it doesn’t have to be that way.
What are some ingredients in the life of one who is progressing in their walk with God?
Success belongs to those who show up.
In our interconnected but often isolated life, attendance has become optional.
After the pandemic of 2020 companies were forced to allow worker to work from home. Today remote work is considered a necessity for some. But, firms are taking notice that their employees productivity is suffering. There is now a call for a return to the office. Many reasons are cited for this call but there are two that stand out to me:
People in close proximity to each often collaborate more often and to a greater degree. There’s something about being able to bounce a thought or an idea off a colleague. Even in chitchat, something is often said that is beneficial to your growth.
Man was not created to be alone.
Genesis 2:18 (ESV) Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”
Isolation is not wise.
Proverbs 18:1 (ESV) Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment.
You don’t need to be a mental health expert to recognise that spending large amounts of time alone isn’t a good idea.
For the Christ-follower attendance is an important ingredient in the recipe for spiritual growth:
Hebrews 10:24–25 (ESV) And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
What does this look like in everyday life?
- Show up to church.
- Show up to meet-ups.
- Show up and tend to the needs of others.
Attendance is an important step on the journey of progress in the Christian life.